Friday, January 29, 2010


Mistakes are only ever worth making if you learn from them and don't repeat them again.

The same mistake twice in two days - I think I need to learn faster than that.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The signs seem to be all there, but I think I'm stubbornly refusing to acknowledge them. Peer pressure is playing a part I think, and a sense of disbelief that the same events seem to be happening. And all this sparked by getting told some information that, in hindsight, probably shouldn't have been told to me.

As I said before in a previous post, ignorance really is such a blissful thing.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fast food

After yet another meal from Hungry Jacks, I can say that I am officially sick of fast food and would love nothing more than a proper meal cooked by my mum. Oh how I miss her food at the moment.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I wonder...

The drying of the mouth, the flushing of the face, the redness of the ears while you hear a thumping echo of your heart beating inside them, the abrupt loss of words as your brain goes into overdrive or, to put it simply, the affliction of nervousness.

I wonder just how much of it is really due to external circumstances or whether it's just all enacted inside that head of mine because I've found that it's quite serious - and I need to fix it.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Something new

I think it's something that has happened to us once in awhile. Our attraction to something new, something unknown to us - whether it be a person, thing or event. First there's that initial addiction, that fascination and everything seems good - actually, no, awesome is a more accurate description - and to be heading in the right direction - before we are suddenly yanked back down to earth and the full wave of reality hits us. Everything before was all a big lie, a misconception, a good dream - but a dream that you have to wake up from.

What is it that I'm trying to say? That's something I'm not really sure myself.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I just don't know...

I've been back home for a few days now, and to be honest, having the whole house to myself really hasn't been as interesting as I thought it would be (then again, things rarely are). I've found myself becoming bored pretty easily, feeling alone at times and generally having no aim really each day and just bumming around whittling away the hours.

In between all that, it's also got me into pondering mode again because I really have so much time to waste away and I'm finding myself having an internal struggle I think. On one side is that nagging voice of reason - which is also usually right most of the time and on the other side...hmmm...lets just name it the voice of stupidity and stuck in the middle is, of course, me. Sigh.

I just don't know what it is I want anymore.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I've been sick for over a week now. First it was just a bad sore throat but now it's turned into a cold/flu and it's starting to really bug me because of how long it's taking me to get better, not to mention the fact that I haven't been able to sleep much tonight (which explains why I've been awake since 5:30) because of a half blocked/half runny nose and countless tissues AND I also missed out on having a japanese buffet. A JAP BUFFET. Damn you germs. Hopefully though, I'll get better really quickly once I get back to Perth and talking about it, my flight is in 7 hrs and I can't wait to get back. (I swear its because of the fact that I'm in Hong Kong that I've been sick for so long)

Anyways...enough blabbing for now and let's just hope I get well quickly.

Friday, January 1, 2010


I was walking around the other day in a toy section trying to look for a bumblebee model as a present and then happened to stumble across a section devoted to Gundam models. I think it woke up the kid inside me because now I've decided to, the next time I come back to Hong Kong, save up some money specifically to buy Gundam models. My mum called me crazy but I think it's cool. Oh the joys of being a kid.