Monday, May 31, 2010

New car... coming on wednesday. FINALLY. It's the same one as what I had (black mitsubishi colt) but since insurance is paying for it all, there won't be any complaints from me.

Can't wait til wednesday comes round.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Birthday

I managed to totally forget about your birthday last year. But not this year - nope. So dedicating this post just to you. :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUAN!! I hope this makes up for my forgetful-ness last year. Have an amazing day and go easy on the alcohol!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010




Monday, May 24, 2010

I just realised ...

I think the person who slapped me is actually really pretty.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I know...'re a decent person, so don't prove me wrong.


I think I'm a lot more stubborn than I would like to admit, not to mention rather..."prideful"...if that's the right word to use. I usually refuse to do anything if I feel like I'm being forced to do it or if I'm unwilling. It's another one of my bad habits, and at times, it's also extremely stupid. In hindsight, nearly every single time I do this, it always turns out to be a stupid decision. Better to swallow that pride and do the smart thing instead of feeling like an idiot afterwards.


I really like the sound of rain. The constant pitter patter of each water droplet falling is strangely soothing and comforting. I find that it's almost entrancing like, and it's so easy to just lie there and do nothing but listen to each drop of rain fall.

And isn't it funny how something as simple as this can make you feel so content and happy?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bloop bloop

I found this facebook group really funny. It made me laugh so much when I saw it.

And no, I'm not violent at all.

P.S. to the person that slapped me on the face today, I suggest you watch your face too.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chin up

Chin up. Chin up!

Even when the going gets tough, try to find the humour in everything despite the fact that it may seem to be beyond you. It will actually make things that much better.


On an unrelated note, my civil lecturer is so angry! She raged at some people that were talking in the lecture I was watching tonight. She also has no sense of time because she always goes overtime - so much so that lectopia even cut off before she finished.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bad habits

I have a few bad habits that I want to get rid of. Maybe putting it down into words will help me break these habits.

  1. Sleep more - getting less than 5 hours sleep per night really isn't healthy and I end up not being able to stay awake and concentrate at uni the next day. It's something I need to seriously fix.
  2. Take a break, no seriously, I need a break.
  3. Keep a lid on the swearing, though usually this only happens when I get frustrated over my inability to do some uni question...
  4. ...which brings us to point 4, sort of. To try and keep a better grip on all that irritation that seems to lie so close to the surface these days, making me unable to put up with any crap at all
  5. Smile more, instead of...not smiling?
  6. Spend less, which I think is actually going to be pretty hard.
and that, hopefully, will be all for now.

The silver lining





ha. ha. ha.

How ironic.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Remember, there is always hope - all you gotta do is keep believing.

This one's for you

I realised today when you sent me back my micro essay (after you had edited out all the horrible bits) just how lucky I am to have a friend like you (and not just because you edit my essays, but that is a plus).You are always, always, always there for me when I need you - to make me laugh when I'm sad, to listen to me when I need to talk, to share in my joy when I'm feeling happy - whenever I need you, you are there, and more. I really can't imagine my life without you and you make everything just that tiny bit easier to bear. I really appreciate you being there (even when you make jokes about my sexuality) and I think this is something I don't tell you enough.

So this one's for you and I hope you like it.
Thank you, quan. Thank you.

Quote Unquote #1

"It would be so nice if something made sense for a change."

Something I found somewhere and I rather agree with it, especially with maths. I tried to study for maths tonight but didn't end up getting very much done. I am so confused. In hindsight, perhaps I should have cut out all that procrastination and tried to take the day off work on saturday so I wouldn't be feeling so stressed right now...or awake at 3 again.

Monday is going to be so much fun.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Pointless much...?

Some people really have WAY too much time on their hands. GET A LIFE. whoever you are.

That is all.


Isn't it ironic that the memories that you consider important are the ones that you don't seem to remember at all? Even when you scrunch your eyes up and try as hard as you can, those important memories seem to be beyond you, just slightly out of reach.

On the other hand, the memories that have no significance at all - trivial matters - are the ones that you seem to remember most clearly and have no trouble bringing to mind.

How weird.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

How about this....

You are so smart sometimes that you manage to surprise even yourself.

Good going there.

Tick Tock

A recurring topic in my previous posts, but I need more time. I realised just how little time I actually have to get up to date with everything. Tuesday is looking way too close for my liking.

Sigh. I miss the joy of having the time to just not do anything but whittle away your time mindlessly.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I'm Yours

I got shown this cute little video today.

I really like the part when the kid gets an itch on his face and he starts pulling faces to try and stop the itching. In the end he has to stop playing the guitar and scratch his face with his hand.

It made me smile; It made me laugh.

Thank you.