Tuesday, December 1, 2009

So be it

Memories. Or more correctly, trying to recapture the feeling of certain memories. As I sit here, a Jay Chou song called (roughly translated) "Back to the past" is playing softly in the background. I know it's something that I should know well enough by now to realise it can't be done (even though the song pretty much sums up what it is that I want). It's like trying to cup water in your hands; no matter how tightly you make your fingers touch each other, there are still tiny gaps that exist and the water will all trickle away slowly until all you are left with are empty hands.

Nothing will ever or can stay the same, and it's even more silly to try to make things stay the same. One of the many things I think I should keep in mind. So be it. I can't say with conviction that I have had enough or that I don't care anymore, but what I can say, rather unsurprisingly too, is that I don't want to take it anymore. I'm tired of the same things happening over and over again. Be as you are.

And to save myself from blogging twice, as they say, ignorance is bliss. Something else I can add to my list of things to keep in mind.

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